1. Phi Beta Delta: Now More Than Ever

These days there is a danger that America will turn inward, shocked and confused by terrorism. It would be a shame if that happened, because it would be handing victory to those who have attacked civilization with such cruelty and barbarism. Phi Beta Delta is a society committed to internationalism in the best sense, to an internationalism which witnesses to the pluralism of the university, to the ecumenicism of tertiary education. A chapter of Phi Beta Delta is a statement by a college or university that it wants to be a cosmopolitan, pluralistic community.

Having a chapter of Phi Beta Delta on your campus is making a statement. It is making a statement that the best education is one that exposes students to multiple cultures that the best education is one of diversity where values and traditions are appreciated rather than combated.

These are indeed difficult days. Good people need to take a stand and one way to do that is to support the world's leading honor society for internationalism. If you care, then Phi Beta Delta is for you.
