46. Phi Beta Delta: Visiting Chapters

Many of us are guilty of visiting other campuses but not taking the time to look up the local chapter of Phi Beta Delta. Our society is known for it s hospitality and there is no better way to meet people than to send an email before you visit and make arrangements for coffee or a meal. One of the ideas behind our fraternity is to promote interchange, and that networking depends to an extent on effectively using our website and email, and on taking a few minutes to put a local chapter visit into your itinerary.

Now, that is a two way street. Some chapters have to give attention to their listings on their college or university website, in the campus directory, and in the relevant departments. Too often the names of last year's officers linger like a holiday wreath still on the door in February. Be sure all your listings are regularly updated.

When all is said and done, one of the great advantages to Phi Beta Delta membership is the wealth of contacts that it provides. When our turn comes to welcome a fellow member from another chapter, remember that their impression of your university is going to be at least partly and perhaps wholly based on your kindness and enthusiasm. Be sure they experience from you the fraternalism of our fraternity!

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